About this page

What is Naked Attraction all about?

Naked Attraction is an amateur naked community website where registered users can undress hot guys.
First you see the guys all dressed and, if you register as Member, you can undress all pics by moving a slider.
Imagine if you can see the guy next door dressed beforehand, and then totally naked in the same position just by dragging your mouse!

A dream comes true: sexy guys from your daily life, once naked and once dressed.
Here you can finally see what the guys have to offer.

Here some examples:

Move the slider left or right to undress

Move the slider left or right to undress

Registrations are open

Interested guys are always wanted

Are you interested in joining us?

The tenders are now open; you can register your participation as model.

  • No sixpack needed. Everyone can take part, we make no exceptions!
  • No previous modeling knowledge necessary
  • Only registered users can see your naked photos
  • Bonus: get a free member-access to all photos

Some advices for taking photos

  • Make sure you have good lighting
  • Stand up straight and take the photo from the front
  • You should be seen all of you – top to bottom
  • First you take a picture dressed
    and then another photo in the exact same position – completely naked
  • Make sure that the camera is always in the same position,
    or use a tripod

Sample Model

Move the slider left or right to undress


Sign up and stay always informed when there are new sexy guys to undress.